Fontaine Publishers | Ooh, I'm growing! - The 10 leaps in mental development!

Fontaine Publishers | Ooh, I'm growing! - The 10 leaps in mental development!

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An indispensable book for anyone caring for a baby about the 10 leaps in mental development. Including the latest insights about sleep and jumps.

Ooh, I'm growing! exists thirty years and we celebrate that. Find one of the golden tickets in the Oei, I grow basic book and win a beautiful Birth Poster, a life-size illustration of your child.

This bestseller gives unique insights and explains why your baby sometimes has phases where he cries more, is more lethargic and moody, sleeps worse and eats less. This is typically a leap in mental development and therefore very normal. A baby not only grows physically in shocks, but also mentally. After your baby has taken the leap, he can do a lot of new things at once and he will be his happy self again.

Find out when your baby makes a jump and how you can help your baby
See the world through your baby's eyes
· Help your baby through the periods of Tearfulness, Moodiness and Lethargy
· With unique, personal discovery lists, to get to know your baby even better
· Complete insight into the reasons why your baby sleeps the way he (not) sleeps

Dr. Hetty van de Rijt and Dr. Frans X. Plooij spent 35 years researching parent-baby interaction and have made perhaps one of the most important discoveries in baby development. Their books have helped more than 2 million parents worldwide in the first 20 months of parenthood and are now available in more than 25 languages. Xaviera Plooij is the daughter of Hetty and Frans, co-author and director of Oei, I grow! Under her leadership, the brand grew into a worldwide success and won many international awards.

The #1 bestseller about your baby's mental development. Power to the Parents!

August 19, 2021
512 pages